negative anomaly

美 [ˈneɡətɪv əˈnɑːməli]英 [ˈneɡətɪv əˈnɒməli]
  • 负异常
negative anomalynegative anomaly
  1. The δ Eu is 0.84-0.96 , as a weak negative anomaly .


  2. The negative anomaly of D area in middle survey area is also partial contribution of underground mineral drive ;


  3. δ Ce < 1 , exhibiting obvious negative anomaly .


  4. Soil trace element geochemistry indicates that the area is an organic carbon and bromine negative anomaly area .


  5. The negative anomaly on the region can guide us regional exploring direction and delineate the prospecting target area .


  6. Negative anomaly area of 1000-300 hPa vapor transportation in 1990 's summer and 40 years climate drought area of China are similar ;


  7. The result of experiments we made in SH area of Jizhong depression shows that the negative anomaly of natural electric potential is related to hydrocarbon reservoir .


  8. In lower troposphere , the positive anomaly of pressure in China and the negative anomaly of pressure in west Pacific Ocean bring cold-dry air into Eastern Asia .


  9. Its large ion lithophile elements are enriched with obvious Nb , P and Ti negative anomaly and slight Th positive anomaly and low content of Sr.


  10. Chemically , the quartz diorite porphyry is rich in alkali , sodium and LREE and lack of obvious europium negative anomaly .


  11. REE distribution pattern displays the apparent enrichment of LREE and negative anomaly of Eu and is similar to that of NASC and PAAS .


  12. The resultant Z_a magnetic anomaly map consists of two major magnetic anomaly zones : positive anomaly Zone in the north part and the negative anomaly zone in the south part .


  13. Concealed bodies of mining area have obvious Eu negative anomaly . REE distribution patterns show the type of " gull " . This feature is same as A-type granite .


  14. Before Renxian MS 5.0 earthquake , there existed 2-year negative anomaly at Hongshan station 20 km to the epicenter , the decrease amplitude was 14 % ;


  15. The crustal velocity in the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block generally shows normal value or positive anomaly , while the negative anomaly exists in the area along the large strike-slip faults as the block boundary .


  16. The improved device was used to test Wen 31 oil pool , the counting rate was more than 80 pulse / min. The cyclic anomaly was clearly reflected in plan , and negative anomaly was also measured .


  17. The REE chondrite standardized model of the ore-bearing host rock show a middle Ce negative anomaly , obviously Eu positive anomaly and the right dip graphics , which are similar to some hot water sediments model .


  18. The expression of Δ T in the Southern Hemisphere presented in this paper . The survey area is located in 63 ° S , so where it is characterized by positive anomaly , and negative anomaly in the south .


  19. The sandstones contain lots of continental quartz clasts , and the cherts have high Al 2O 3 / Fe 2O 3 , low MnO / TiO 2 ratios and very small Ce negative anomaly .


  20. The disordered I / S clay rock is characterized by lower REE contents and the middle to weak positive anomaly of Eu , but the ordered one is of higher REE contents and the strong to middle negative anomaly of Eu .


  21. The shale-normalized river water-dissolved REE distribution patterns of the Ganjiang River in the southern Jiangxi Province are not flat and the HREEs are relatively slightly enriched , showing obvious Ce negative anomaly and Eu positive anomaly .


  22. Geochemistry of basalt and diabase demonstrates they are of MORB characteristic , with Nb negative anomaly , and the environment discriminations suggest that the ophiolite may form in a SSZ-type back-arc basin serves behind a intra-oceanic arc .


  23. And the southern survey area is a mixed magnetic anomaly area with the magnetic anomaly in the middle Jiaozhou Bay showing near east-westly trending banded distributions and that in the southern Jiaozhou Bay showing NE trending alternate positive and negative anomaly distribution .


  24. In the summer of El Nino year , owing to teleconnection , there is a negative anomaly of surface pressure and 500 hPa height in the East-Asia and the West-Pacific . The west-Pacific subtropical high is to the south continuously and weaker .


  25. Negative pressure anomaly ;


  26. The paper suggests that the regional negative gravity anomaly reflected mainly the sedimentary basin or the depression ;


  27. Most of the basalts show negative Nb anomaly .


  28. Lower ∑ REE , negative Ce anomaly , HREE relative enrichment .


  29. Lower total REE , comparatively enrichment in HREE , slightly negative Ce anomaly ;


  30. The massif with positive gravity anomaly has a high density and that with negative gravity anomaly has a low density .
